Saying goodbye to Summer ~

Just when we thought 2020 Spring was full of surprises dealing with Covid along came Summer that brought more sensitivity to the matter. We all became more creative with our distancing still trying to have fun. Covid taught us many lessons in our different lifestyles. Living life to the fullest, learning to be more appreciative and yet continue to have creative fun!

We quickly got in the swing of cookouts, charcuterie boards, corn on the cob, catching rays, car trips, canoes, cranking up the a/c, cracking a beer, cotton candy, drive in church, and change. Our “bubble of family and friends” became our go to within our comfort level.

Each week we continued to work on our culinary skills and making special meals celebrating our birthdays, weddings and special dates. In our own kitchens we all were preparing gastronomic meals of desire. Covid turned many of us into good, creative cooks!

So goodbye 2020 Summer, we leave you with our fond memories in our bubble groups. It’s been a good run even within our restrictions. I think I’m safe in saying we all look forward to enjoying Indian Summer, wearing bulky sweaters and blue jeans, hearty soups, homemade breads, and nesting in front of a cozy fire.

Oh and Covid, thank you for teaching us patience, creativity and appreciation.